Wednesday, December 17, 2008

21 years ago

Its 21 years ago today that Gayl was admitted for what turned out to be a ruptured appendix that was operated on 24 Dec and started 19 years of constant pain. The words have been been developed to describe the daily pain, excruciating does not describe it well enough. But the pain was so bad that it masked her uterine cancer pain up until the last 3 weeks I was with her. so, she had 19 years of pain that was worse, very day and all the time, than the pain that people have at the very, very end of a battle with a rapidly metastatic and excruciating cancer. Think on that, the cancer pain at almost any time was LESS THAN THE PAIN FROM BOTCHED RUPTURED APPENDIX SURGERY. Only if you have seen someone then will you have any iea of what it was like.

this song meant a lot to us, always. It was popular at the time and I used to hum it and joke about it as I worked to get her out of bed to walk and to keep her shuffling in spite of the pain. Gayl is brave enough and has a such a great sense of humor that she would do the hand thing as she shuffled. The song got her up and moving, even though she had five bags of antibiotic dripping into her and a tube down her nose and throat. Try that sometime, put a straw up your nose and direct it down your throat and keep it there for two weeks.

I love and cherish Gayl, very very much.