Monday, March 05, 2007


I have met many people in my life,but no one exemplified true courage better than Gayl. Courage isn’t something a fearful man can obtain; conversely, fear cannot spoil true courage. Each exists deep inside the individual, engrained in the soul. Courage is not about deciding that others are worth more than us; it is never considering the option of not putting those people first, despite what may befall us. However, fear is never considering the option of putting anything or anyone above ourselves. Gayl always placed others before herself, even when she was in horrific pain and suffering. She faced her trials head-on, without quavering; but at the same time always; and I mean always, placed the needs of others before her own. Her patients and friends were high in her pantheon, she was not. She always helped others, she was always humble about her accomplishments and abilities. And I loved her all the more for it, and honor her far above all other people for it.